‘Razza’ ed etnia nel pensiero di Max Weber.
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Max Weber, ‘Race’, Ethnicity, Community, Legacy

How to Cite

Bello, B. G. (2023). ‘Razza’ ed etnia nel pensiero di Max Weber . Teoria E Critica Della Regolazione Sociale / Theory and Criticism of Social Regulation. Retrieved from https://www.mimesisjournals.com/ojs/index.php/tcrs/article/view/2572


This essay aims to delve into the concepts of ‘race’ (more in depth) and ‘ethnic community’ (more succinctly) in the Weberian thought, jointly with some relevant methodological aspects. One may concede that, in many respects, Weber was ‘son’ of his time but despite the criticisms moved to both notions as anachronistic to examine racial- and ethnic related issues in contemporary societies, the assumption that guides my analysis is that, many of his intuitions marked a turning point on the matter and are worth to think of the present. In particular, concerning ‘race’, this contribution focuses on the ‘color line’, whose direct observation during the trip to America seems to have strengthened his interest in investigating the social implications of ‘race’, as a ‘sociological phenomenon’ and to have moved him more clearly away from his early writings; furthermore it reveals to be relevant in discussing ethnic communities too.

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