Ponti/Ponts https://www.mimesisjournals.com/ojs/index.php/ponts <p>Ponti/Ponts est une revue en libre accès, qui se veut un haut lieu de rendez-vous des cultures francophones: du Québec et du Canada à l’Afrique subsaharienne, de la Belgique aux Caraïbes, du Maghreb à la Suisse et au Val d’Aoste, aux autres îles francophones dispersées partout dans le monde, toute la francophonie est conviée à cette rencontre, qui en est une de connaissance, de reconnaissance, de confrontation.</p> <p>Chaque numéro de la revue, qui paraît une fois par an, présente des études critiques, parfois des textes inédits, et un vaste répertoire de notes de lecture concernant les œuvres linguistiques, littéraires, culturelles des différents espaces francophones. Les essais critiques et les textes de création sont réunis dans un dossier thématique, qui peut inclure aussi des études linguistiques; celles-ci peuvent porter en outre sur des sujets libres.</p> <p>Tous les articles soumis à Ponti / Ponts sont évalués et sélectionnés par le comité scientifique et soumis à un processus d’évaluation par les pairs faite à double insu.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Numéros parus</strong> <strong>chez Mimesis</strong> (http://mimesisedizioni.it/)</p> <p><em>Rêves, fantômes, fantasmes</em>, n. 14/2014</p> <p><em>Bars, cafés, buvettes</em>, n. 15/2015</p> <p><em>Odeurs, senteurs, parfums, </em>n. 16/2016</p> <p><em>Jouer avec les mots</em>, n. 17/2017</p> <p><em>Fleuves, océans, ports et navires</em>, n. 18/2018</p> <p><em>Univers de la radio</em>, n. 19/2019</p> <p><strong>Numéros parus chez d’autres maisons d’édition&nbsp;:</strong></p> <p>Cisalpino (http://www.monduzzieditore.it/cisalpino)</p> <p><em>Enfers</em>, n. 1/2001</p> <p><em>Bestiaires</em>, n. 2/2002</p> <p><em>Voyages</em>, n. 3/2003</p> <p><em>Astres et désastres</em>, n. 4/2004</p> <p><em>Enfances</em>, n. 5/2005</p> <p><em>Mariages</em>, n. 6/2006</p> <p><em>Présences du mythes</em>, n. 7/2007</p> <p><em>Monstres</em>, n. 8/2008</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Led Edizioni&nbsp; http://www.ledonline.it/index.php/Ponts/issue/archive</p> <p><em>Saintetés</em>, n. 9/2009</p> <p><em>Hantises</em>, n. 10/2010</p> <p><em>Centre-villes, villes et bidonvilles</em>, n. 11/2011</p> <p><em>Pouvoirs de la parole</em>, n. 12/2012</p> <p><em>Épidémies</em>, n. 13/2013</p> Mimesis fr-FR Ponti/Ponts 2281-7964 Présentation https://www.mimesisjournals.com/ojs/index.php/ponts/article/view/3347 <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Marco Modenesi Francesca Paraboschi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-02-05 2024-02-05 23 9 10 Un voyage arrêté, un voyage à continuer – à la mémoire de Józef Kwaterko https://www.mimesisjournals.com/ojs/index.php/ponts/article/view/3350 <p>&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Michal Obszyński Copyright (c) 2024 2024-02-05 2024-02-05 23 11 13 « Personne ne peut éclairer tout ce tableau » (Les pistes infinies de La plus secrète mémoire des hommes) https://www.mimesisjournals.com/ojs/index.php/ponts/article/view/3349 <p>This essay studies the multiple and complex layering that makes up the structure of Mohamed Mbougar Sarr’ novel, La plus secrète mémoire des hommes. Published in 2021, it narrates the reconstruction<br>of the life and the search for the work written by disappeared African writer, T.C. Elimane, whose novel generated a great misunderstanding (the story reminds of the case of Yambo Ouloguem). The novel is simultaneously a roman de quête, an adventure novel, a historical novel, a detective novel, a fantasy novel, a journal, a critical essay… Thus, this critical analysis (which focuses in detail on the initial part of the work, and then offers a synthetic overview of the whole), highlights above all its transgenericity, transculturality, metaliterality and hypertextuality. Nevertheless, the narrative distortions, the mises en abîme, the puzzling anomalies, and the plurality of narratorial figures do not preclude the novel from constructing itself according to a perfect exhaustive rigour that leaves no space for the aesthetics of deconstruction and shapelessness. Instead, it orders itself along the founding axiological lines of memory, reason, and imagination, in order to reconstruct the life and literary vocation of the deceased author, but also the challenging complexity and ethical instance of the writing of the one who narrates and the one who is narrated.</p> Liana Nissim Copyright (c) 2024 2024-02-05 2024-02-05 23 17 45 10.7413/18279767058 Écrire une parole coupée : cosmologies et géomancie dans Volatiles (2006) de Kossi Efoui https://www.mimesisjournals.com/ojs/index.php/ponts/article/view/3353 <p>We propose here to approach Kossi Efoui’s short story Volatiles (2006) in its metapoetic, allegorical and philosophical dimensions. One of the greatest singularities of Volatiles is indeed the layout of a poetic<br>process through the reinvestment of the geomancy of the Fa. For Kossi Efoui, this reappropriation must be understood as a transgression of literary codes. How then does Kossi Efoui shift the function of writing from a teleology (the design) to a sketch of possible presents (the drawing) through geomancy? To what myths of speech and writing does this practice refer? To what extent do these mythologies provide a poetic horizon for Afrocontemporary literature? After having quickly resituated and redefined geomancy in West Africa, we will reflect on the cosmopoetic dimension that Kossi Efoui gives it as well as the different cosmologies to which he links it in Volatiles, in order to revisit a philosophical myth of the origins of the world in which the scriptural gesture is born from a cut off speech.</p> Diane Chavelet Copyright (c) 2024 2024-02-05 2024-02-05 23 47 66 10.7413/18279767059 Vérité et justice dans les romans francophones RD congolais de l’extrême contemporain https://www.mimesisjournals.com/ojs/index.php/ponts/article/view/3354 <p>Advances in postcolonial studies aimed at deconstructing Western logocentrism have opened up literary research to new hermeneutical paradigms in the analysis of the representation of ongoing violence in<br>sub-Saharan Africa. Research on the DR Congo deserves to be more closely examined in that perspective. Generally speaking, it has become a current issue now to implement, in the humanities, an epistemological rethinking of imaginaries for a knowledge connected to a global scale according to an approach that would not lose sight of the need to oppose the persistent silence on human rights. This issue will be discussed from the Francophone DR Congolese novels of the years 2010-2020, by In Koli Jean Bofane, Blaise Ndala and, more particularly, by Sinzo Aanza and Fiston Mwanza Mujila.</p> Bernadette Desorbay Copyright (c) 2024 2024-02-05 2024-02-05 23 67 82 10.7413/18279767060 L’art de (ra)conter ou l’intranquillité de dire soi dans les récits de Marguerite Duras et d’Assia Djebar https://www.mimesisjournals.com/ojs/index.php/ponts/article/view/3355 <p>The major figures in French and francophone literatures, Marguerite Duras and Assia Djebar, embodied the women’s writing endowed with a social and artistic vocation (cinema and literature). Both, they illustrate in their own way a specific practice of the relationship between the writer and the reader by establishing a dialogue with ‘’oneself’’ and ‘’the other’’. This article analyses this complex articulation, showing, through the tools of narrative voice, the specificity of the direct enunciation employed to provide an idea concerning the bilingualism and multicultural context, the aesthetics of her speech about feminism, position of authors in society and the woman’s voice.</p> Dorsaf Keraani Copyright (c) 2024 2024-02-05 2024-02-05 23 83 99 10.7413/18279767061 Les paysages pré- et post-apocalyptiques de J.D. Kurtness https://www.mimesisjournals.com/ojs/index.php/ponts/article/view/3357 <p>Julie D. Kurtness is a young Quebec writer of Innu origin who has distinguished herself by the strange dystopian universes that she depicts in her science fiction novels and short stories. The article examines the nature of Kurtnessian pre- and post-apocalyptic landscapes in order, on the one hand, to distinguish them from contemporary commercial production (especially Hollywood) as well as from the traditional Christian imaginary and, on the other, to compare them to newly emerging « post-Anthropocene » aesthetics.</p> Eva Voldřichová Beránková Copyright (c) 2024 2024-02-05 2024-02-05 23 101 110 10.7413/18279767062 Le théâtre québécois à l’épreuve du conflit des codes : le cas Claude Gauvreau (1925-1971) https://www.mimesisjournals.com/ojs/index.php/ponts/article/view/3358 <p>The development of Quebec theater is intrinsically linked to the history of its autonomy. Although numerous initiatives were put in place at the end of the 1950s, allowing for the development of a local repertoire, it became apparent that the French influence was an obstacle to its emergence. Numerous authors therefore set about creating plays whose aim was to translate a Quebec reality. If these new realist-influenced plays now assume a specular function in order to contribute to the creation of a national repertoire, it appears that the form itself evolves only slightly. If historiography often opposes national theater and modernity, it appears that certain authors such as Claude Gauvreau use formal innovation to propose a reflection on the particularity of Quebec culture.</p> Astrid Novat Copyright (c) 2024 2024-02-05 2024-02-05 23 111 128 10.7413/18279767063 La rhétorique et l’esthétique du bonheur collectif dans la contre-poétique d’Édouard Glissant https://www.mimesisjournals.com/ojs/index.php/ponts/article/view/3359 <p>In this study, we try to show how Edouard Glissant invites his Caribbean readers to engage in edifying societal actions, by urging them to recover their historical memory and to break free from the shackles of slavery. Correlatively, the question of happiness takes a prominent place in the novelist who conceives the intermixing between oratorical genres underlying his novelistic work and cultural project mainly depending on the deliberative aim in order to highlight the eudemonic character of happiness in his fiction. This is how rhetoric and aesthetics, as means of struggle for freedom and consequently for collective happiness, proceed to the rescue of island identity. Which rescue could not be realized far from the union of the West Indians themselves, nor outside their archipelago surroundings where they are buried. From this angle, Edouard Glissant’s sublime style, articulated with the deliberative aim, is part of constructive discourse which allows the novelist to conceive not only an insular modus vivendi, but also a modus operandi for West Indians.</p> Mohamed Lamine Rhimi Copyright (c) 2024 2024-02-05 2024-02-05 23 129 146 10.7413/18279767064 Le Tao-Tö King comme source poétique de Henry Bauchau ? Essai de génétique littéraire https://www.mimesisjournals.com/ojs/index.php/ponts/article/view/3360 <p>The publication in 1991 of the tale Diotime et les lions, which previously was a part of the novel OEdipe sur la route, captured the interest from several researchers of Henry Bauchau’s literary production.<br>Especially interesting for our researches are the studies involving the origin of the character of Diotime and the cultural influences inspiring this story. Nevertheless, due also to the detailed reading of the author’s published diaries (in particular Jour après jour and Dernier journal) we had the opportunity to observe the paucity of further investigations pertaining to the manifest influence of Taoist philosophy in Diotime et les lions. For this reason, our investigation, based on a selection of diaristic extracts, attempts to chronologically retrace the phases leading the writer to include Laozi’s figure concealed in the figure of the Vieillard-Enfant. Subsequently, we aimed to bring to light this issue in Diotime et les lions through a reflection focused mainly on the last pages of the story and the reading of the book of the Tao Te Ching ascribed to Laozi.</p> Debora Rampone Copyright (c) 2024 2024-02-05 2024-02-05 23 147 163 10.7413/18279767065 L’humour fellaguien comme lieu d’inventivité lexicale francophone https://www.mimesisjournals.com/ojs/index.php/ponts/article/view/3361 <p>In this contribution, we analyse the lexical inventiveness of Mohamed Saïd Fellag, a Kabyle-speaking Algerian comedian and humorist, with the aim of describing the processes of morpho-lexical creation and<br>characterising the contexts in which these new words appear. In a logic of testimony and experiential narrative, both individual and collective, he creates a ‘théâtre-constat’ in which humoristic and playful neology plays a cathartic role. We will first present the author, the corpus compiled ad hoc and the theoretical and methodological framework adopted for its treatment. We will then attempt to explain the reasons that motivate, in our opinion, the flowering of Fellaguian neologisms, paying particular attention to the processes of morpho-lexical production and their functions in discourse.</p> Silvia Domenica Zollo Copyright (c) 2024 2024-02-05 2024-02-05 23 167 185 10.7413/18279767066 Des marginaux et des délestés : figures victimaires de la pandémie dans le débat québécois autour des personnes non-vaccinées contre la Covid-19 https://www.mimesisjournals.com/ojs/index.php/ponts/article/view/3362 <p>On 11th, January 2022, the Legault government in Quebec anticipates a taxation on whose who have not been vaccinated against Sars-Cov-2. The news triggers a lively debate on the general appropriateness of sanctions against those who do not follow the national health recommendations. This article analyses 378 comments by the readers of the online newspaper Le Devoir. The relative controversy has to do with the foundations of democratic coexistence: questions are raised as to how to maintain the social contract at a time when the exercise of individual freedoms runs counter to the well-being of the community. But above all, it is the ties that hold the Quebec community together that are called into question. The debate on government measures expresses underlying tensions, including the relationship to minorities – in this case, the unvaccinated. Should their freedoms be limited to protect the majority? Or does any minority have a right to self-determination? This article addresses the recurrence of a specific figure, that of the “victim ” within the debate, embodied by both the unvaccinated, portrayed as a marginalized minority, and the cancer patient being prevented from receiving treatment due to the overburdening of the national health system. Both figures are at the core of two opposing discourses of victimisation, constructing the figure of the victim as a peculiar variation of the notion of minority that signals fundamental social changes. By studying the debate around unvaccinated people and the relationship between this minority category and a society that does not know how to manage a threatening otherness, I propose to investigate the peculiar dynamics of victimisation in the Quebec debate, and the impossibility to reach a decision when the argumentation is built around this specific strategy.</p> Nora Gattiglia Copyright (c) 2024 2024-02-05 2024-02-05 23 187 201 10.7413/18279767067 Enjeux futurs pour le français et le francoprovençal dans la Suisse plurilingue à la lumière des données de la dernière Enquête sur la langue https://www.mimesisjournals.com/ojs/index.php/ponts/article/view/3363 <p>Unlike other States, which are officially monolingual, Switzerland is distinguished by its constitutional quadrilingualism. In this multilingual society, the preservation of linguistic diversity and mutual intelligibility between the communities of the different linguistic regions are among the main objectives of the federal State. With the aim of monitoring the complex linguistic situation, the languages spoken by the population have been reviewed for some time in Switzerland. After the reform of 2010, every five years since 2014, the data collected in the Enquête sur la langue, la religion et la culture make it possible to learn about linguistic practices and habits as well as the views of the Swiss regarding languages. Furthermore, the latest Enquête (2021), on which this contribution will be based, allows one to compare the data collected in 2019 with the results of 2014, thus providing the possibility of following the linguistic evolution of recent years, determinated above all by the Maria Immacolata Spagna 216<br>increase of non-native languages and even more by the unstoppable ascension of English. After a quick look at the past, when for centuries in French-speaking Switzerland Francoprovençal was the vehicle of communication and French the written language, we will trace the current status of these languages to see what future challenges language policy must face to support them. By respecting the fundamental principles of the Constitution, the teaching of plurilinguism could act effectively for the preservation and promotion of traditional languages such as Francoprovençal and French but also for those of the entire linguistic heritage of Switzerland.</p> Maria Immacolata Spagna Copyright (c) 2024 2024-02-06 2024-02-06 23 203 216 10.7413/18279767068 Espèces https://www.mimesisjournals.com/ojs/index.php/ponts/article/view/3364 <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> Myriam Kissel Copyright (c) 2024 2024-02-05 2024-02-05 23 219 220 Études linguistiques; Francophonies d’Europe, du Maghreb, de l’Afrique subsaharienne, du Québec et du Canada, de la Caraïbe; Œuvres générales et autres francophonies https://www.mimesisjournals.com/ojs/index.php/ponts/article/view/3429 <p>&nbsp; &nbsp;</p> AA. VV. Copyright (c) 2024-02-07 2024-02-07 23